Your personal tax advisor

About Us

Our office was founded in 1990 and we have been successfully providing tax advice and business consulting services to clients for over 35 years.

There is a reason why we are such good advisors: We are very good listeners.

Our success – and thus the success of our clients – is based on a very simple rule: In order to be good advisors, we have become very good listeners.

Therefore, we find it especially important to devote our full attention to you and your needs. For us, every success achieved through our joint effort is based on a communication culture of the highest level driven by human understanding and expertise.

That is why we want to gain a clear sense of what motivates you as an entrepreneur, both in business and on a personal level. So that we can work together and move even more things to your advantage.

We have a keen eye for detail. Because we never lose sight of the bigger picture.

The human being is the determining factor in all economic activity. That is why the human being - and that is to say, you - are at the centre of our focus.

On the one hand, this is a reflection of our special communication and business culture, which is based on consistently upheld human values and a strong sense of partnership.

On the other hand, it is testimony to our specific philosophy which views tax advice and business consulting as an all-embracing process designed for the long term: professional, personal, competent - and always for your sustained economic benefit on the basis of mutual, solid trust.

Get in touch!

Do you have any more questions? Contact us online using our contact form.


Schabetsberger Steuerberatung GmbH

The right address for all your tax and business issues. We look forward to receiving your enquiry!

Fischerstiege 9, 1010 Wien

Fax: +43 1 513 56 50-9

We are at your service

Mon - Thu


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